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C4D插件 超级展UV编辑插件 FD UVToolkit 1.0 for C4D R15-21

C4D插件 超级展UV编辑插件 FD UVToolkit 1.0 for C4D R15-21
FD UVToolkit is a plugin that makes your UVW workflow easier in Cinema4D.
Instead of going through in a lot of settings to unwrap an object, with FD UVToolkityou just need three simple steps to unwrap it:

    Select the object and press “Reset UVW Tag” button.
    Select the edges you want the seams to be.
    Click “Unwrap UV with LCSM”.

Done! it’s simple as that.
FD UVToolkit是一个插件,可以在Cinema4D中简化UVW工作流程。
使用FD UVToolkit无需进行很多设置来解开对象,而只需使用三个简单的步骤即可解开对象:
做完了! 就这么简单。
It was tested in C4D R19, R20 and R21. But probably works in previous versions too.
在C4D R19,R20和R21中进行了测试。 但可能也适用于以前的版本。