当前位置: 学哟C4D网 >C4D插件预设下载 >C4D预设 思维粒子云雾粒子预设 Cinema 4D Think Particle Cloud Generator 1.2插件下载

C4D预设 思维粒子云雾粒子预设 Cinema 4D Think Particle Cloud Generator 1.2插件下载

作用分类:     粒子 » Think Particle
插件分类:     预设
使用教程:     含教程
支持版本:     R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 S22 R23
支持语言:     英文
支持系统:     PC MAC
出现位置:     预设目录 

C4D预设 思维粒子云雾粒子预设 Cinema 4D Think Particle Cloud Generator 1.2C4D预设 思维粒子云雾粒子预设 Cinema 4D Think Particle Cloud Generator 1.2

C4D预设 思维粒子云雾粒子预设 Cinema 4D Think Particle Cloud Generator 1.2
The Think Particle – Cloud Generator is an Xpresso preset built to generate pyrocluster clouds quickly and easily. It works with Mograph effectors and ThinkingParticle Dynamics. We have built in wind, gravity, turbulence, collisions, and more.
