作用分类: 特殊效果 » 集群
插件分类: 插件
支持(高版本请自测): R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20
支持语言: 网友汉化
支持系统: PC MAC
出现位置: 插件菜单
Flock Modifier是一个良好的旧标准Cinema 4d粒子系统插件。它允许轻松地应用的集群动作行为,粒子群。可以模拟鱼群,万马奔腾,及万箭齐发等。
几个经典的“Reynolds 规则”实现的。每个粒子都将…
支持cinema 4d R14-R15
插件安装方法:复制粘贴到C:\Program Files\MAXON\CINEMA 4D R15\plugins
The Flock Modifier is a modifier object for the good old standard particle system im CINEMA 4D. It allows to easily apply the behavior of flocks, swarms or schools to the particles.
The modifier uses a distributed behavioral model, as described by Craig Reynolds in his 1987 SIGGRAPH paper "Flocks, Herds, and Schools: A Distributed Behavioral Model".
Several of the classic "Reynolds Rules" are implemented. Each particle will...
...keep a minimum distance to its neighbors
...try to stay in the center of the flock
...chase a target
...match the velocity and travel direction of its flockmates
...obey a certain minimum / maximum speed limit
...avoid collision with geometry
...fly level / avoid steep rising or falling
...apply a certain randomness to its movement